- What is the date/time of the El Paso Bridal Showcase
- Where does the El Paso Bridal Showcase take place?
- How do I get to the EPIC Railyard Center?
- How do I buy tickets tottend the El Paso Bridal Showcase? What is the cost?
- Who attends the El Paso Bridal Showcase?
- My company wants to exhibit at this year’s show. How do we sign up?
- What types of businesses exhibit at the El Paso Bridal Showcase?
- Q.
What is the date/time of the El Paso Bridal Showcase?
El Paso’s Bridal Showcase will take place on Sunday, February 26th. The hours are from 10AM to 4PM.
- Q.
Where does the El Paso Bridal Showcase take place?
El Paso’s Bridal Showcase will be at the E.P.I.C Railyard Events Center located at 2201 E. Mills Ave.
- Q.
How do I buy tickets to attend the El Paso Bridal Showcase? What is the cost?
General admission to El Paso’s Bridal Showcase is free. V.I.P. tickets- with special perks for the show, are available at $20.
- Q.
Who attends the El Paso Bridal Showcase?
El Paso’s Bridal Showcase attracts a qualified audience of young adults, ready to buy and eager to learn about the latest products and services for their weddings. This show is Bride focused, meaning that vendor areas are tailored to wedding needs.
- Q.
My company wants to exhibit at this year’s show. How do we sign up?
Fill out the Exhibitor Information Form HERE to get more information on exhibiting at the El Paso Bridal Showcase.
- Q.
What types of businesses exhibit at the El Paso Bridal Showcase?
The El Paso Bridal Showcase features wedding professionals and businesses in a variety of categories. CLICK HERE to view the exhibitor directory.